Hello everyone! My name is Filippo, and I’m an electronic engineering student with a passion for DIY. I primarily enjoy building small IoT systems and some robotics-focused projects. Additionally, I’m enthusiastic about the world of RC, such as airplanes, drones, and remote-controlled cars. For the past year, I’ve been running a YouTube channel where I periodically upload videos that showcase some of my projects.

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    Inventor of TV-B-Gone, a keychain that turns off TVs in public places. Co-founder of 3ware, a successful Silicon Valley startup in the 1990s. Pioneer of Virtual Reality in the 1980s. Author and teacher. I go around the world giving talks and workshops. Promoter of hackerspaces, open source hardware. Mentor for others wherever I goes. Co-founder of Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. President and CEO of Cornfield Electronics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_Altman